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Aug 16, 2023

Which avenues are you using to get the best role?

Whenever I ask this question to active job seekers or potential clients, they talk about the various job sites and LinkedIn. All effectively being online applications.

You see, online applications are the easiest but also the least effective jobsearch avenue you can use. The competition is just massive!

In a Glassdoor survey report of 2018, they revealed that for any job application, the average number of applicants is 250. And maximum 5 people get invited for interview..

Just 2% (and this is not even counting when they have internal employees, employee referrals and passive candidates that they headhunt)

So, how can a jobseeker increase their chances?

Firstly, increase the avenues you are using for your job search

Secondly, maximize the success of each avenue. More on this in another set of emails.

When I work with jobseekers, I try to look at 5 different avenues and have success in all of them.

Avenue 1: Online Applications

If you have been actively looking for opportunities, then this is an avenue you would have used already. However, just applying is not enough. Hoping and praying is not the best strategy.

You would need to increase your chances by reaching out to the decision-makers for roles that really appeal to you.

Typically, LinkedIn and Indeed would be my recommendations. For Singapore market, mycareersfuture is also a great avenue.

Avenue 2: Agency Recruiters/ Headhunters

Whether you love them or hate them, they are a great addition to your job search. With one meeting, you can ensure that someone else actively matches you to relevant opportunities.

Catch – they are paid by employers and are hence working for them.

So, while they can be a good help, you need to understand the best way to engage them and be firm in creating boundaries.

Avenue 3: Existing Connections

Fact: Most of my clients think they don’t have a network

Also fact: With some probing and prodding, most of them discover that their network is much bigger than they thought.

You see, your best relationships in a jobsearch are typically not your closest people. They are the “Weak Ties”.

An ex-colleague you haven’t spoken to in a few years, your college mate who was last seen at a mutual friend’s wedding, or parents of your kids’ friends.

You would never initiate a job search conversation with them. The key is to ask for advice or better still help them in something they need (which could be noncareer related)

Avenue 4: Networking Events

My work with INSEAD happened through one of these events. I met someone from their Career Development Office at an event and we hit it off, connected on LinkedIn, and stayed in touch.

A few months down the line, she messaged me that she was relocating to Shanghai and recommended me as a replacement and there has been no looking back for 4 years.

I have had clients who attended industry events and conferences, walked out with some amazing connections that led to offers in a matter of days.

Avenue 5: Target Companies

Stop waiting for opportunities, start creating them instead.


Yes, you don’t need to wait till a company is hiring. In fact, the best time to engage with a company is when they are not yet hiring. You will end up being first in line when they do hire. And if you really impress the right people, you can absolutely create new opportunities for yourself.

A quick word of help

You absolutely do not need to use all these avenues. Start with the ones you are comfortable with.

Building a personal brand is the best supporting strategy that helps in all avenues.