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May 08, 2024

Today, I want to cover about a very often encountered issue during job search – Self-doubt on your employability!

I had a conversation with one of clients after my time-off and she exclaimed, “Keeping things practical, I am not even sure why anyone would hire me?”

Job search is a crash course in rejection and self-doubt! Even when you are seeing progress, it is an emotional roller coaster.

So, let’s look at some steps you can take when the self-doubt creeps in:

Step 1: Change perspective

Anyone who is remotely successful, has done things outside of their comfort zone.

If your primary focus is – “I may not be the best in this and I hope no one finds out” then it is imposter syndrome

If you can reframe the focus to “I may not be the best in this and I am willing to learn how to be better” then it is growth mindset! Same level of skills but  a very different energy!

Step 2: Make a list of achievements

Take a 15 mins timers and in bullet points list down your life’s achievements. List down your work contributions and then add your personal achievements too

  1. When you have learnt a new skill
  2. When you cleared a difficult exam
  3. When you gave a brilliant performance
  4. When you showed for a loved one going through challenge

The list is endless.. Whenever you feel self-doubt, take a look at this list.

Step 3: Question your self-doubt

When my client shared her self-doubt that no one will be interested in hiring her, I asked her how many employers she reached out to. Grand total of Zero.

With her self-doubt, she did not take action! And with lack of action, there was no result which fed back to her belief.

So ask yourself:

  • How many people have I reached out to?
  • How is the market in general?
  • How am I channeling my conversations?

Step 4: Look at other success stories

Stay away from negativity! This is important as negativity brings down the energy..

Find people who have been successful in their job search and reach out! Your energy into job search will have a deep impact on the way you take actions and hence, the overall results.

Step 5: Find the right employers

Some employers can’t sponsor visas or who won’t hire you because of your background!

At the same time, there are employers who don’t consider these things! Focus your energy in finding an employer who doesn’t reject you for factors outside of your control..

I hope these steps help you get out of job search self-doubt and direct your energy to things under your control!

Content released on my YouTube Channel last week:

  • Whenever you are ready, you can read up on the 3 ways I can help you land an amazing job here
  • “Art & Science of Networking for Job Search” is now Live at launch price of S$99 to breakdown the entire networking roadmap to get you your next role
  • To get in-depth tips and strategies for career development and job search, subscribe to my YouTube Channel