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Nov 08, 2023

It is not the best candidate but the candidate who understands jobsearch that gets the job.

So, in today’s newsletter, I want to reveal a few jobsearch secrets!

1. You are an equal partner with the employer

Most jobseekers assume that the employer is at a much higher level than them and it is their job to convince the employers to give them a chance.

Being in a position of desperation doesn’t work in personal life and it doesn’t work when you are seeking jobs.

You are an equal-level partner with the employer

(Yes, they are much bigger in magnitude since they employ 100s to 100,000 employees)

Yet, they will not exist if the employees didn’t add value through skills and expertise.

In my work, I get to partner with very prestigious organizations and institutions. Our conversations are like equal partners even though they are way bigger.

Jobseekers who adopt this mindset present themselves very differently in their networking, interviewing and salary negotiation.

And that makes all the difference.

2. You don’t need to follow recruitment process to the “T”

No idea when jobseekers got a manual to follow but you need to break from the rules of this manual.

Some specific pointers:

  • You don’t need to meet all the requirements of the job description
  • You can reach out through different avenues for the same job role.
  • You can absolutely reach out to the hiring manager and other employees in the organization
  • You can ask questions throughout the interview instead of waiting until the end
  • You don’t even need to wait for an opportunity to exist before reaching out to a company. Create your own opportunities

3. Salary Negotiation doesn’t make you look greedy

This one is my favorite as this doubt comes to even the most senior job seekers and those with very high self-confidence.

When you have been looking for a job for some time, negotiating salary seems like a minor point.

Sometimes fear sets in of if they would withdraw the offer.

So, let me give you full permission to always negotiate salary even when it meets expectations as the first offer always has room for negotiation.

The way you negotiate is very important but negotiation should always be on table.

  • Whenever you are ready, you can read up on the 3 ways I can help you land an amazing job here
  • If this Newsletter appeals to you, please forward it to people in your network who may benefit from it
  • To get in-depth tips and strategies for career development and job search, subscribe to my YouTube Channel