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Feb 28, 2024

Firstly, I have a small announcement to make. Art & Science of Networking for Job Search is now available.

Over the last few years, I’ve helped 1,000s of people through one-to-one coaching, workshops, and content on LinkedIn and YouTube to get their next job and stand out in the market.

I’ve packaged everything I’ve learned along the way into the most straightforward, “fluff-free”, and logical course I could come up with on how to use networking for job search success.

I made plenty of mistakes along the way, and the course presents you with a roadmap that’s based on my experience, the experience of my network, and the tens of thousands of data points and examples I’ve collected over the years.

The launch price is at S$99 and after that, it will be raised to S$150.

Here’s the link to learn more about Art & Science of Networking for Job Search

One of the biggest things people overlook in their job search and their overall career that can help put you in the top 1% is the ability to follow up

As simple as that!

  • When 99.9% of job seekers send 1 email and you follow up twice, your chances of success increase significantly
  • Most people can get that first coffee chat. When you are able to move it to 2nd or 3rd conversation, your chances of success increase
  • When you promise to deliver something, follow up without being chased even if just to update that you may not be able to help

I personally follow a rule of 3 – 1 email and 2 follow-ups! The success rate typically goes higher with this. I have even prepared templates for follow-up that you can use.

So, if you are struggling to get any responses, always follow up!

  • Whenever you are ready, you can read up on the 3 ways I can help you land an amazing job here
  • If this Newsletter appeals to you, please forward it to people in your network who may benefit from it
  • To get in-depth tips and strategies for career development and job search, subscribe to my YouTube Channel