How to go from Seeking Jobs to Being Sought After and getting the Next Ideal Job FAST.

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Hey there,

If you are tired of making no progress in your job search and want to see results fast, then working with us is for you. We will help you get your next ideal job fast, that’s the promise. We have included in this video how it’s done and included some valuable information on the page below.

Always rooting for you,

Your Job Search Problem: Not getting results and no clarity on what is going on

You have no idea why your job search is taking you so long to get any kind of results. Job search is no longer what it used to be a few years back. Most of the mid to senior level jobs don’t get advertised and when you add the twist of social media networking to it, your chances of getting the best jobs in the market using the conventional methods are reduced to very low.

In your next ideal job FAST

You want to be in a situation where instead of you running behind jobs, you are headhunted into your ideal job. You want to have control of what’s going on in your career and be in a role where you can reach your highest potential enjoying it along the way.

Scroll down as we have got the basic system outlined on how you can go from seeking jobs to being sought after and getting that ideal job fast.

Don’t Take My Word For It

“I met Shubhangi while changing jobs after working for the same company for about 12 years. She guided me throughout the process and helped me secure a job very fast after our initial meeting. With her expertise, she even managed to position my experience to get a higher package than I was expecting. Shubhangi has very good understanding of the local recruitment scenario and I’ll recommend her to job seekers who need guidance in their job search in a heartbeat”

-Tang Jiunn Shyong,
Business Leader – Accounting and
Reporting, Mastercard

“Shub provided invaluable support in navigating the Singaporean job market, offering personalised and practical insights across multiple industries. She was able to bring her extensive experience to assist in identifying and pursuing the next step in my career. It was a pleasure working with Shub as she provided ongoing guidance and feedback throughout the job hunting process.”

– Kate O’Donoghue,
Operations Program Lead – Business
Integrity at Facebook

“I met Shubhangi after being out of work for 1.5 years due to retrenchment when my company moved the position outside of Singapore. She spoke to me about how I can approach the companies and what methods I can use in my job search. Even she didn’t realize how much she had helped me and I was able to get my current role with that advice. Definitely recommend her to any job seekers – a lot of times we don’t know what we are lacking. Shubhangi understands Singapore recruitment well to guide through the process.”

– Subbiah Lakshmanan,
Operations Director for a media company

Introducing the “P.R.I.D.E” Model

Profile that attracts

After getting a clear understanding of what you need from your next job, we will help you create a resume and LinkedIn profile that are refined to target the job you want. You will also gain an understanding of what works and what doesn’t in your resume and LinkedIn profile in the current job landscape

Reaching out to the right people

80% of the times it is not about what you know but who you know. Together, we will reach to the right people who can bring you closer to getting your next ideal job.

Irresistible Interview

There is much more to the interview if you want to stand out from the other applicants than the actual interview itself. This step covers everything you should be doing before, during and after the interview. It is especially helpful to the mid to senior level candidates who have been on the other side of the table in the recent past and need some brushing up on their interviewing skills.

Decoding Salary Negotiation

For most people, money is an important consideration while switching jobs even if it is not their main motivation to do so. This step will focus on the fine art of salary negotiation to get you a fair salary for the work that you will be handling.

Embracing your new job

This step is about getting prepared to take on the new adventure while closing the loops with current employer and other opportunities which you might have been pursuing. You would want to leave the best impression with your network – in today’s scenario, you don’t know when you might need them.

Book in a 10-minute call

There are a limited number of time slots allocated each week to help people like you get a clarity around their job search. This call is not to sell you…. there’s clearly not enough time. It’s not suited for everyone. If you’re an action taker click the button above to check availability

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